Competitor profile

Lionel Regnier (57) France
*Second GGR Special Invitational entrant has made 23 transatlantic crossings during the past 30 years, but then forced to retire from his last one when problems with his self steering on his Rustler 36 One and All led him to drop out of the recent OSTAR solo transatlantic.

The former maths teacher became a professional skipper in 1985, and has since completed three Mini 6.50 races before graduating to Class 40 race boats and competing in the Quebec-Saint-Malo, Solidaire du Chocolat, Les Sables-Horta, Transat Jacques Vabre and Route du Rhum races. Lionel has also chosen a Rustler 36 yacht – One and All – the same type selected by fellow Frenchmen Philippe Péché and Jean-Luc van den Heede.
