Patrick Phelipon (63) France
is one of Eric Tabarly’s disciples, having raced with the doyen of French sailing on Pen Duick VI during the 1977/8 Whitbread Round the World Race. Since then he has been racing Mini, Quarter and Half tonners, together with ultra-light 60 footers. His chosen yacht for the GGR is the Endurance 35 ketch Elbereth, which will be hauled out in Fiumicino, Italy in January 2018 to complete her refit following a 700-mile solo training voyage between Christmas and the 6th of January. He expects to relaunch by mid February. After more trials in the Tyrrhenian Sea, Elbereth will be transported by truck to La Rochelle where Patrick will complete his 2,000-mile trials in the Atlantic. .
Phelipon says of the GGR “I have wanted to sail round the world alone for some time, but not felt ready to do it until now. I like the traditional type of yachts chosen for this race and the rules that surround the event. It is great to be involved from the beginning. The hardest part will be in the Southern Ocean – I’ve been there before and it is a tough place to sail.”